Patrizia Sergeant Unlocking your true potential
Patrizia SergeantUnlocking your true potential

Prices and Packages

single Bowen Treatment 1h  £   40.00
single Reiki Treatment 1h  £   40.00
 1 Journey Process   2-3h  £ 150.00
Combination Bowen+Belief/Vow Change  90 min  £   90.00

Combination Reiki + Belief/Vow Change

 90 min  £   90.00
Combination of 3 Journey Processes    £ 350.00

Sometimes a Journey process can also take you back into a past life to show exactly where an issue has began and how this is connected with a present life issue. Your being will only guide you there once you are ready for it and wish to do so. The aim of this regression is to clear any traumas to enable freedom from the past in order to create from love for peace in our own lives and that of our outside world.


A set of individual Packages can be discussed according to the clients needs.


When undergoing any treatments in combination with a Journey or Journey into Past Life you will be sent your notes about the process to keep for your records.


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© Patrizia Sergeant